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ball MSWL UNITED ① Season 48 // Prediction League
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Prediction League Rankings

 1.  Vick Hall    +4  56 
 2.  Brian Beerman    +5  55 
 3.  Steve Turner    +3  54 
 3.  Carl Oakes    +5  54 
 5.  Allan Sellers    +4  53 
 6.  Andy Shaw    +3  52 
 7.  Paul Cockayne    +4  49 
 8.  Mike Cabral    +4  48 
 9.  Roger Mendonça    +3  47 
 9.  Phil McIntosh    +5  47 
 11.  Abe Hamdali    +2  45 
 12.  Hazel Hawker    +2  44 
 12.  Graham Wilkes    +3  44 
 12.  Colin Scott    +4  44 
 15.  Jeff Hawker    +2  43 
 15.  Simon Compton    +3  43 
 17.  Dave Dohm    +5  42 
 18.  Pierre van Rossum    +2  40 
 18.  Martyn Hathaway    +3  40 
 20.  Rob Peterson    +3  37 
 21.  Roy Rolsten    +0  35 
 22.  John Holden    +4  34 
 23.  Ian Lindsay    +4  31 
 24.  Aires Martins Jr.     +2  28 
 25.  James Tucker    +0  20 
 26.  Alex Tucker    +0  19 
Congrats, Vick!
Paul ~ Jul. 30th at 8:37 AM
Congratulations Vick. Very close run thing but we had a poor finish with 3 correct.
Andy ~ Jul. 25th at 10:30 PM
with only 4 correct guesses this session. I thought I had lost it!
Vick ~ Jul. 20th at 8:36 PM
Ouch! So close. Well done Vick!
Brian ~ Jul. 20th at 6:37 PM
Well off the lead here, a poor season for me
Paul ~ Jul. 19th at 9:29 AM
Is Vick in the Driver's Seat here?
Allan ~ Jul. 15th at 11:16 PM
neck and neck in the prediction league. any of the top six could win it
Vick ~ Jul. 12th at 9:32 PM
Making some progress here, but too much to do now
Paul ~ Jul. 8th at 9:46 AM
Sneaks into equal 1st for a week.
Steve ~ Jul. 7th at 7:39 PM
Only three points last time, this is not good enough
Paul ~ Jul. 3rd at 7:49 AM
Need good rounds for the rest of the season...
Paul ~ Jun. 28th at 7:06 PM
The Gull fight is on, Vick. Bring it!
Brian ~ Jun. 24th at 5:42 PM
let´s make it a Gull fight!
Vick ~ Jun. 19th at 2:50 PM
possibly the only thing we have a chance of winning this season!
Vick ~ Jun. 19th at 2:50 PM
I'm sure this used to be a lot easier...
Paul ~ Jun. 11th at 1:24 PM
A better round, but still off the pace
Paul ~ Jun. 7th at 2:23 PM
This has been a shaky start, to say the least
Paul ~ May. 26th at 11:12 AM
Always happy to help a friend
Brian ~ May. 25th at 9:46 PM
Yes, yes it is C-Ball. If not for your friend Brian Beerman it would have been 0-10. 😎
Allan ~ May. 19th at 12:14 AM
1-9, is that even statistically possible?!
Mike ~ May. 18th at 6:50 PM
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