U1/U2 are on a break for the United World Cup. New seasons will begin in November.
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024 - 10:34:07 AM (gmt)
ball MSWL UNITED ① Season 48 // Auction
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Auction // Bank =


Key features

In addition to bidding there are two components have been added to the auction orders: 1) Conditional Lots and 2) Maximum to spend.
Conditional Lots: Each checked box means that if you get the lot on the current row then you STILL want all the lots you have checked. However, if you get player 1 and don't want ANY OTHER players, then you can remove all the checkboxes to the right of the bid.

For example if you wanted only 1 Mf and two are available. You could go to the row with the first Mf listed and uncheck the checkbox for the lot representing the second midfielder. That tells the auction program to disregard your bid on the 2nd Mf in the auction if you get the first one listed.

Maximum To Spend: Here you are simply telling the auction program to SPEND NO MORE than the amount you list. If your maximum to spend is 1000 and you get a player for 900, then ALL of your remaining bids would be lowered to 100.


1. Enter your bid based on the available listings. The bid MUST exceed the minimum bid for it to be considered. Note that the bid will still be saved if its 0k, it just can't win. :-)

2. If you DO NOT WANT TO bid on a player, just leave the bid at 0.

3. If your team already has 30 players when the auction is processing a player in the auction, your bid will be voided with the reason: : "TEAM ALREADY HAS 30 OR MORE PLAYERS!".

4. Auction rules are as follows: 1) The team with the highest revised bid wins the lot at a cost of 1k more than the next highest bid. 2)If only one team bids then that team gets the lot for the reserve price (min. bid). 3) Ties will be broken in the following manner: (lowest division then fewest league points then lowest top_11_avg).

5. The order of the auction is done based on LOT. Lot 1 is processed first, a winner assigned, their bank account reduced, etc. Then its on to lot 2.

6. Auction Player Parameters
Here are the parameters for MSWL UNITED:
-2 Pre-Season Auctions (10 players each, no backroom boys)
-6 Regular Season Auctions (8 players)
-60 players available per season (after season 1; during season 1 just 42.)

Age Chance SL Range
APP 10% 4-7
I 25% 8-11
II 25% 11-14
III 20% 10-13
IV 20% 9-12

For each of the SL ranges the actual SL chosen is based on this chance distribition: 20%, 35%, 30%, 15%.
For example with an Age I player there is a 20% chance he will be SL 8, 35% SL 9, 30% SL 10, and 15% SL 11.

Position distribution is as follows: Gk 10%, Sw 6%, Df 28%, Mf 28%, Fw 28%.

Question 1:
If a person bids an amount in excess of what they have is the bid reduced to their remaining bank balance or is it a void bid and cancelled.
Answer 1:
Either at the beginning or "in the middle" of the auction, a team's maximum bid cannot be greater than their current bank balance. So if a team bids 500k but they only have 450k in the bank then their max bid is reduced to 450k.

Question 2:
If one has the winning bid the amount paid will be reduced to 1K more than the second placed bid.What if the second placed bidder does not have enough money for their bid,is it reduced to their cash balance or ignored and the 3rd placed bid used.
Answer 2:
At the start of determining the winner of each lot each team's max bid is reduced to their bank total IF their max bid is higher than their bank account. So in this example yes the bids would be lowered (if needed) to the bank total.

Question 3:
What if one bids an amount that is more than the cash one has BUT the manager does have more cash than the actual amount needed to buy the player ie I bid 300,I have 200 cash in the bank and the second placed bid is 100.Would I get the player for 101K or would my bid be disqualified as I did not have enough money to make it in the first place.
Answer 3:
At the start of each lot all max bids would be reduced to no more than the bank account so your max bid in this scenario would be 200 and you would get the player for 101k, provided the reserve price was met.